Yahweh Sabaoth Lyrics by Nathaniel Bassey


Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today


Yahweh Sabaoth Lyrics


Tiri Riri, Riri Riri
Tiri Riri, Ri
Tiri Riri, Riri Riri
Tiri Riri, Ri.

Tara Rara, Rara Rara
Tara Rara, Ra
Tara Rara, Rara Rara
Tara Rara, Ra.


Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


Tiri Riri, Riri Riri
Tiri Riri, Ri
Tiri Riri, Riri Riri
Tiri Riri, Ri.

Aya Aya Aya Aya
Aya Aya Ya
Aya Aya Aya Aya
Aya Aya Ya.


Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
Show forth Your Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
Shine forth Your Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth


The Lord of Host
Shine Reveal Your Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.

The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.


The Lord of Host
The King of Glory
Yahweh Sabaoth, Yahweh Sabaoth.



Yahweh Sabaoth Lyrics




Lyrics Yahweh Sabaoth by Nathaniel Bassey




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Lyrics of Yahweh Sabaoth



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Nathaniel Bassey – Yahweh Sabaoth Lyrics


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