Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today
Welcome! We are MusLyrics ““.
A website seeking to make Christian Gospel
and Music Lyrics accessible to everyone.
Our website ( is run by musical minds and we
promotes upcoming and already established gospel artists.
Lyrics are submitted by our visitors, and we ensure they are accurate before approval
Our MISSION is to spread the gospel through the promotion
of Gospel music, Ministries, Music concerts and more.
The idea to support and promote Music Events,
Church Revivals and similar activities
within the Christian faith is what we share.
We also help create online presence or profile
for upcoming gospel artists and ministries seeking to reach out online.
We write about artists and their upcoming events,
and subsequently publish their contents on our website
(for promotional purposes).
We assist with setting up personal music or entertainment websites
and also other social media channels.
Our Head Office is located in Freetown, Sierra Leone
For more information contact us HERE
We do not own any of the songs nor the lyrics featured on this website.
All rights belong to its original owner/owners.
No copyright infringement is intended
and all Contents are for PERSONAL and EDUCATION purposes only.