Better Word – by Leeland

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Original Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page

[Verse 1]
Your blood,
Is healing every wound

Your blood,
Is making all things new

Your blood speaks a better word

[Verse 2]
Your blood,
The measure of my worth

Your blood,
More than I deserve

Your blood speaks a better word
Speaks a better word

[Chorus 1]
It’s singing out with life
It’s shouting down the lies,
Oh, it echoes through the night
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word,
Speaks a better word

[Verse 3]
Your blood,
A robe of righteousness

Your blood, my hope,
My hope and my defense

Your blood, forever covers me
Oh, forever covers me, yeah

[Redo Chorus]

[Chorus 2]
It’s calling out my name
Whoah, and it’s breaking
Every chain, yeah

Oh, it’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word,
It speaks a better word

Yes, it does, yes, it does

Oh, it speaks a better word
Speaking life over me

{It’s rewriting my history
It covers me with destiny, 
It’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ} [x4]

[Redo Chorus 1]

[Redo Chorus 2]

{(Whoh, whoh, whoh, whoh
Whoah, whoah, whoah) [x2]
It’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word,
Speaks a better word} [x2]

Speaking a better word,
yes, He is

He’s making all things right,
right now

Reconciled by the blood of Christ

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Better Word – by Leeland

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Better Word – by Leeland

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