Juliet Swaray


Born In : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist
Genres : Gospel
Agent : Loveworld Music & Arts Label

Juliet Swaray

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

The Profile, biography of Julliet Swarray,
The Sierra Leonean gospel artist, song writer and also music director.

Juliet came into the gospel music industry around 2001 along with Abdulai Bayoh.
She graduated from IPAM, inPublic Sector Management
and is well known in the music industry for her amazing vocals.
After doing a few songs with her fellow gospel artist Jatu,
Juliet released her first six (6) track Album in 2004 tittled  “Me Land”.
With award winning hit song ‘nor cry‘ featuring Millicent Rhodes.

Juliet lunched her first solo album titled
“Most incredible” in 2007 with songs like:
Lord I love you
Greatest love
Great I Am
She released her latest album With (“Love World Record Label“),
Most Incredible vol. 2 in June 2018  with songs like:
Greatest God
Holy God
Awesome God.

Juliet has won many Awards, as a group and also individual, some are listed below:Juliet Swaray

  • First Springs of Joy awards: best female vocalist in 2007
    First Springs of Joy awards: Best song (“Nor cry”)
    GAA awards: best female vocalist at the 2018
    GAA awards: best Album (Most Incredible vol. 2) 2018
    Sisters choice awards: best female gospel musician  2019

Upcoming album/single
The Gospel artist is set to release a single featuring theStick with Jesus” maker Judah Zubairu

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Juliet Swaray

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