No One – by Kelvocal
Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today
Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page
[Verse 1]
{Who can love me like you love me
Whoo can save me like you save me
Who can lift me
Like you lift me Jesus
Who can bless me like you bless me
No one no one but you} [x2]
My Maker and my Lord
My keeper and my Shield
No one, no one, no one
[Verse 2]
You live inside of me
Yet I see you everywhere
Your peace like a river
Is flowing through my soul
I’m surrounded by your glory, Jesus
Overwhelmed by your love
Your faithfulness is sure
Morning by morning
New mercies I see yeah
You stole my heart away
With your tender warm embrace
You make me smile always
That’s why I’ll always worship you
{Who can love me like you love me
(No One)
Who can save me like you save me
(No One)
Who can help me
Like you help me Jesus
(No One)
Who can bless me like you do
(No One } [x3]
[No One – by Kelvocal]
No One, No One,
No One, No One
(Can love me like you do)
No One, No One,
No One, No One
(Can save me like you do)
No One, No One,
No One, No One
(Can help me like you do)
No One, No One,
No One, No One
(Can bless me like you do)
No one can love me
Like you love me
Who can help me like you help me
Who can help me like you do God
Lift me like you lift me
My life is in your hands
Use me as you will
I have hope in you
You are able to do
Exeedingly, abundantly
Jesus, you are the only hope I have
I depend on you
Jesus it’s you
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No One – by Kelvocal
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