Jehovah Nissi – by Nathaniel Bassey
Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today
Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page
[Verse 1]
{You are the First and the Last
That’s why we called You
Alpha, Omega
You own the World, You fill the Universe
You made the things we See
And cannot See
Your Love is Great, Your Mercy Sure
Your Grace has done
More than I could have done
When I was bound,
You came and Rescued me
You gave me Light
And took the darkness} [x2]
{You surround me with many Victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my Banner
You go before me,
You Fight my Battles
Jehovah Nissi
(That’s who you are)
Jehovah Nissi} [x2]
[Jehovah Nissi – by Nathaniel Bassey]
[Verse 2]
You are the same Yesterday
The same today and same Forever
You never change, You are Reliable
My hiding place in times of trouble
You’re the Christ, the Son of God
You bruised the serpent’s head at calvary
You took the Keys,
Opened the prison doors
Crushing the Power of death forever
{You surround me
With many Victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my Banner
You go before me,
You Fight my Battles
Jehovah Nissi
(That’s who you are)
Jehovah Nissi} [x2]
God is gone up with a Shout
With a Trumpet Sound
God is gone up with a Shout
With a Trumpet Sound
God is gone up with a Shout
With a Trumpet Sound
God is gone up with a Shout
With a Trumpet Sound
{You surround me
With many Victories
Jehovah Nissi, You’re my Banner
You go before me,
You Fight my Battles
Jehovah Nissi} [x3]
(That’s who you are)
Jehovah Nissi
(The mighty Man in Battle)
Jehovah Nissi
Jehovah Nissi
YouTube Video
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Jehovah Nissi – by Nathaniel Bassey
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