Princess of Praise


Born In : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist, Song Writer
Genres : Gospel
Web Site :

The Profile, biography of Beatrice Erete,
The Sierra Leonean gospel artist, song writer and also music director.

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Beatrice Erete (PRINCESS OF PRAISE) is a singer,
philanthropist and active social activist on women and girl’s issues.
Launched her first album titled “Answer Praise Vol 1” in 2008.
This became a big hit throughout the country.

In 2012 she launched “Answer Praise Vol 2” and then went back to school to also pursue her dreams of education.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management.
Beatrice launched her 3rd album title Lover of my soul in 2016.
With 3 albums and 4 singles, she has made tremendous progress in her music career

 Beatrice has several awards including highest album sales of the year
and many professional awards in recognition for her immense contribution in the music industry.
And also in the lives of women and girls as an activist.

Her latest single: “Mama Salone We lek You” released in February 2018
resonates with every Sierra Leonean who wants positive change in the country.

She recently launched her foundation (STORY) for Neglected women and girls.
STORY: Sanctuary for Talented Optimistic and Resilient Young Girls
The Objective is to address the consequences of NEGLECT on women and also young girls.

She plans to release a new praise and worship album and also a single

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Princess of Praise




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