SALONE Gospel Artists: A Host of Talents
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Sierra Leonean Gospel Recording Artists: Like Sheeps In Need of a Shephard.
Sierra Leone! a richly blessed country in human capital, with loads of gospel music talents.
These talents; if managed well can thrive,
dominate the west Africa region and also spread far beyond it’s shores.
This publication takes a close look at Sierra Leonean Gospel Artist and the need for Unification (Strong Leadership)
Taking a close look at Gospel Artists in Sierra Leone, you imediately notice the struggles they face from the start.
This is mostly due to a lack of support or a platform on which they can ride.
One will PONDER: “If only we had a structured leadership uniting all gospel artists…”
[ANALOGY]: You all will agree that a roar is stronger and resonate’s further than a single voice.
Gospel artists need to unite under one leadership
A leadership that seeks the intrest of the Gospel Music Industry as a whole
providing guidance (Both Spiritual and otherwise)
One will ask: Is there a body tasked with representing Gospel Artists and the Gospel Music Industry in Sierra Leone?
When gospel artist join forces, alot more can be achieved
As a Gospel Music Follower, I have always looked forward to a day when all gospel artists will unite in an award ceremony,
to recognize Gospel Artists who have done really well through the year.
DURING my quest, I found this post titled
“PONDER OVER MY THOUGHTS” on a WhatsApp group.
At last some one bearing thesame burden I have carried all this while.
Here are a few paragraphs from the post
{•Artists are putting so much into their ministries likewise the awards organizing firm , but for things to really have the effect, get more respect, create a sense of awareness for artists to go to His alter and bring out the best from there to bless the nation etc. I think there is nothing wrong if the proposed conglomerate gospel industry awarding firm do the following:
– Upon an artist attaining the best Male gospel artist of the year (For Example),
- The Gospel Artist gets not only the awards or certificate
but a record deal from a mega music industry be it home or abroad (in Africa), - Sponsorship from industries /firms,
- Exposure to other performing platforms outside Sierra Leone,
- Connecting the artist to a proper branding firm to bring the best out of his projects etc.
All of these involve a lot and definitely one award organizing firm can’t do it or even if it can I haven’t seen it .}
I stand with the facts laid down on the above post.
All of these can be achieved, but first we need to come together as one.
Kudos to Whoever Wrote the above post
Seeing the need for togetherness and better structure among gospel artists,
a father in the land “Bishop J. Archbald Cole” has initiated a process to bring this dream to a reality
by proposing the Relaunch of the Sierra Leone Gospel Artists Association (SLAGA).
This took place on the 26th of May 2019
and will be followed by another very important meeting on:
- DATE: Saturday 22nd JUNE 2019
- VENUE: Miracle City, Ross Road
- TIME: 12:00pm
- AGENDA: The Forward movement of Gospel Music and Musicians,
With the support of our spiritual fathers (Pastors) starting with himself.
The Music Ministry is a calling one must fulfil with passion and deligence.
It is a call to preach the gospel through an even more acceptable medium (Some might argue)
Lets all Join Hands to Make our efforts more Effective…
State Your Opinion on the Sierra Leone Association of Gospel Artists
(Re-Launched by Bishop Cole)
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More will follow…
SALONE Gospel Artists: Host of Talents
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