Your Voice – Josh Baldwin Lyrics

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Lyrics Are Arranged as sang by the Artist
Official Video is at TOP of Page


[Verse 1]
Even the wind, even the waves obey

Even the stars, even the Skies
Cry out Your Praise
You Speak and it is done
You are the only One
Even the wind, even the waves Obey

Your Voice is Power
Your Voice is Louder
Your Voice is drowning out the others
Like a Mighty Wave
Oh what a Sweet Sound
My Heart is Free now
All of my fears go running
When they hear
The sound of Your voice

[Verse 2]
At Your Command,
Even the demons flee
At Your word,
Every anxious Heart finds Peace
You speak and it is done
You are the only one
With all of the Strength
And all the Authority

Your Voice is Power
Your Voice is Louder
Your Voice is drowning out the others
Like a Mighty Wave
Oh what a Sweet Sound
My Heart is Free now
All of my fears go running
When they hear
The sound of Your Voice

Your Voice – Josh Baldwin Lyrics

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{I can hear You singing
I can hear You singing
I can hear You singing
Singing over me} [x3]

{Your Voice is Power
Your Voice is Louder
Your Voice is drowning out the others
Like a Mighty Wave
Oh what a Sweet Sound
My Heart is Free now
All of my fears go running
When they hear
The sound of Your Voice} [x2]

I can hear You singing
You’re singing over me
That’s how I know that I am
Forgiven and free


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Your Voice – Josh Baldwin Lyrics

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