You Love Me – Benjamin Dube ft Dr Tumi
Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today
Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page
[Verse 1]
Oh Lord my God
(I wanna know)
From you (how I got here)
Cus in my strength
(In my strength I know
I wouldn’t be here)
I know I wouldn’t heal
I’ve seen you fight
(all my battles)
And you won
(Made me a conqueror)
Now I know
(Now I know that you love me dearly)
You love me (You love me)
You protect me (You protect me)
Yo-u fight for me
(You fight all my battles for me)
You save me (You saved me)
Yo-u kept me (You kept me)
You set a table
(You set a table for me)
Oh, oh, oh, oh
(Thank you Jesus)
Tha-nk you, master,
(Thank you master)
You are, you are, you are
(You are the best thing
that ever happened to me)
{Thank you, Jesus
Thank you, master,
You are the best thing
That happened to me} [x2]
[You Love Me – Benjamin Dube ft Dr Tumi]
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You are the best thing
That happened to me
[Verse 2]
When I think about
What the Lord has done
What he brought me through
All my ups and down
I just wanna say
He’s the best thing
That happened to me
I would have been down now
Lost in my way
I would have died,
Had it not been for the Lord
But Jesus you are the best thing
[Repeat Bridge]
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You are the best thing
That happened to me
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You Love Me – Benjamin Dube ft Dr Tumi
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