The Reason – by Cageless Birds ft Phyllis Unkefer
Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today
Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page
[Verse 1]
Oh, these are my Eyes
Every morning
I open them wide
Looking, Searching
Oh, these are my Ears
Listen closely, trying hard to hear
Something Deeper
Oh, these are my Hands
Reaching, Longing
Haven’t always known
Haven’t known the reason why
But oh
Oh, oh, oh, then I Saw
Oh, oh, oh, then I Heard
Ooh, oh, oh, then I felt
Oh, oh, oh,
And I saw You, Face to face
And I heard You,
Say my name
‘nd I felt You, Take my hand
And I saw You, Face to face
And I heard You
Say my name
And I felt You, Take my hand
[The Reason – by Cageless Birds ft Phyllis Unkefer ]
[Verse 2]
Oh, Your Eyes they see
Always see me
Kindness in Your Gaze
Wraps around me
Oh, Your Ears they Hear
Every Heartbeat
Sorrow and the Joy
Love surrounds me
Oh, Your hands they Hold
Me Completely
In Your hands, I know
I know the reason why
Oh, oh, oh, now I See
Oh, oh, oh, now I Hear
Ooh, oh, oh, now I Feel
Oh, oh, oh,
Now I see You, Face to Face
Now I hear You
Say my Name
Now I feel You, Take my Hand
Now I see You,
Oh, oh, Face to Face
Now I Hear You, oh
Oh, oh, Say my name
Now I feel You, Take my hand
And I feel You
I see You, oh, oh
Now I hear You
Change everything, Jesus
Now I feel You
Change everything, Jesus
Now I see You,
Changed everything, Jesus
Now I hear You
Now I feel You
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The Reason – by Cageless Birds ft Phyllis Unkefer
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