Miracles, Signs And Wonders – by Todd Dulaney

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Original Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page

[Verse 1]
{I Lay my hands on the sick
Tell them you be healed
Speak a word over blindness
Help to see things clear} [x2]

CALL: Because the Lord said that:

Miracle Signs and Wonders
Miracle Signs and Wonders
Follow those that believe
Miracle Signs and Wonders
Miracle Signs and Wonders
Follow those that believe

[Verse 2]
I Lay my hands on the sick
Tell them you be healed
Speak a word over Nations
Declare the Lord is here

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 3]
It’s time that we
Demonstrate …
The power of our King
No more delay
A full display
Of the one that ransomed me

[Repeat Chorus]

{He’s still doing it
He is still doing it
He’s still doing it} [x4]

The Lord is still Healing
(He’s still doing it)
He is still delivering
(He’s still doing it)
He is still making ways
(He’s still doing it)

I know that he is
(He’s still doing it)
I’ve seen him do it
(He’s still doing it)
If he did it before
(He’s still doing it)
He can do it again
(He’s still doing it)

He is not done yet
(He’s still doing it)
He is been doing it for a long time
(He’s still doing it)
We still believe
(He’s still doing it)

Miracle Signs and Wonders
Miracle Signs and Wonders
Follow those that believe

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Miracles, Signs And Wonders – by Todd Dulaney

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