Jesus (Lyrics) – PV Idemudia ft Chinyere Udoma
Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today
Lyrics Are Arranged as sang by the Artist
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[Verse 1]
You’re the same God
Yesterday, today and forever
Jehovah Rapha
Miracle Working God
Ask the Woman with the issue of Blood
She’ll tell Jehovah is Faithful
Ask the man by the Pool of Bethsaida
He’ll tell you Jehovah is Kind
Ask blind man Bartimaeus oh
He’ll tell you Jehovah is a Healer
(He’s a Healer) Jehovah is a Healer
Jehovah Rapha, Ebube
There’s a balm in Gilead
Who was wounded for your sake
By His Stripes you were Healed
Oya, take up you bed and Walk
By His Blood you were Redeemed
There’s no need to fear
There’s no need to fret
[Pre – Chorus]
Jesus, Jesus
You’re the Miracle Working God
(Jesus, Jesus
You’re the Miracle Working God)
Yahweh, Yahweh
You’re the Miracle Working Father
(Jesus, Jesus
You’re the Miracle Working God)
When we call you name (Jesus)
Demons Tremble (Jesus)
When we call your name (Jesus)
Mountains Crumble (Jesus)
And every Knee must bow (Jesus)
Every Tongue Confess (Jesus)
You are the Powerful God (Jesus)
Precious balm in Gilead (Jesus)
Jesus (Lyrics) – PV Idemudia ft Chinyere Udoma
[Verse 2 – Igbo]
Onye ee puru imechi uzo
Nke Chineke nna mehere
Gwanum onye puru ikocha
Onye ahu nke Chineke nna goziri
Ebube ya bata o, ebe nile edere nu jim jim
Ike ya bilie, akwa mgbochi ekewa
Mmuo nso bata, ihe zoro ezo aputa ihe
Omechiri odumu onu nime onunu
Ma luo ihe luoru ihe luoru enyi
Jisos, aha gi na enye ndu ee
Jisos, aha gi na agwuo oria ee
Oji nkata kuru mmiri ee
Aha gi di ike
[Verse 2 – Translation]
You open a Door no one can close
Who can curse who God Bless
Your Glory destroys every yoke
And reveals that which is hidden
You closed the mouth of the Lion
Jesus, Your name gives life
Jesus, Your name heals the sick
Miracle working God
Your name is Powerful
[Pre – Chorus]
(Jesus, Jesus
You’re the Miracle Working God)
Mmuo n’eri mmuo, onye dika gi ee
(Jesus, Jesus
You’re the Miracle Working God)
Onye aha ya n’ebu agha Oh (Jesus)
Aha gi n’enye ndu oh (Jesus)
Ibu alanga n’ata akpu eh (Jesus)
Obata, ogbogu ee (Jesus)
Ebulite, ebulite, ebulite (Jesus)
Ebulite uzu atua (Jesus)
Ozuo piaka, piaka nelu ogwu eh (Jesus)
Jesus (Jesus)
Angels bow before you (Jesus)
Heaven and earth adore you (Jesus)
You’re Greater than what we call you (Jesus)
Nnam ikariri ihe anyi netu gi o (Jesus)
Nnam ikariri ihe m si n’ibu o (Jesus)
Jesus (Jesus) Jesus mu ee
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Jesus (Lyrics) – PV Idemudia ft Chinyere Udoma
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