It is So – by Elevation Worship

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Artist
YouTube Video Link is also at the Bottom of Page

[Verse 1]
There is a promise
That points beyond my failure
There is a still voice
To silence all my fears
Even the worst of my mistakes
Are miracles in the making
A miracle’s in the making

By your stripes, I am healed
With one touch, I am made whole
You have spoken
And I know that it is so
In the storm, You are peace
And Your love, won’t let me go
You have spoken
And I know that it is so

[Verse 2]
In every season
Your purpose is unchanging
In every moment
You’re working for my good
Jesus the Rock that never fails
Your kingdom will not be shaken
Your kingdom will not be shaken

By your stripes, I am healed
With one touch, I am made whole
You have spoken
And I know that it is so
In the storm, You are peace
And Your love, won’t let me go
You have spoken
And I know that it is so

It is So – by Elevation Worship

{Your word is settled in heaven
It will be done,
Father let it be done
Yours is the kingdom forever
Your will be done,
Let it be done} [x3]

By your stripes, I am healed
With one touch, I am made whole
You have spoken
And I know that it is so
In the storm, You are peace
And Your love, won’t let me go
You have spoken
And I know that it is so
You have spoken
And I know that it is so

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It is So – by Elevation Worship

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