Good and Loved – by Travis Greene (ft. Steffany Gretzinger)

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Lyrics Are Aranged as sang by the Artist
YouTube Video Link is at Bottom of Page

[Verse 1]
Through your story
Is My fingerprint
In the valley, there is confidence
In the shadow,
I will be your strength
One things for sure,
I am your Lord

[Verse 2]
Through the chaos
I will be your Joy
When you’re finished
I have so much more
In the waiting, I’m an Open Door
Stand still and know,
I am your Lord

There’ll be times when you’re up
Times when you’re down
I’m never too far
Just look around
And you’ll find Me
I’m by your side,
Arms open wide

{I am Good
And you are Loved} [x2]

[Bridge 1]
{What was and is, is covered
By the One who was and is
You’re covered by Love} [x2]
(I am Good
And you are Loved) [x2]


[Repeat Chorus]

So no matter what comes or goes
One thing that you must know
I am Good and your are Loved

[Repeat Bridge]

[♪ .. Spontaneous .. ♪]
Covered by my Love
Covered by my Love
[♪ .. Spontaneous .. ♪]
Covere..d, covered, covered

[♪ .. Spontaneous .. ♪]
Did you forget
Just lift your head
My banner over you is Love} [x4]
My banner over you is Love

[Repeat Bridge]

[Repeat Chorus]

[♪ .. Spontaneous .. ♪]
(You’re full of Love) [Loop]
(We receive) [Loop]
[♪ .. Spontaneous .. ♪]

I am Good
And you are Loved

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Good and Loved – by Travis Greene (ft. Steffany Gretzinger)

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