Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics by Charity Gayle


Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today


Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics


[Verse 1]
I stepped in the water
The river of life
Got filled with the Spirit
Now I’m satisfied

Now I get to tell you
There’s power to save
Cause that Living Water
He has a name.


Jesus, Savior,
Sweetest Name I Know

Jesus, Healer,
Lover of my soul
Yes, He’s the sweetest name I know.


[Verse 2]
Through every problem
His promise will be
That with every morning
New mercies I sing

He is my portion
Yes, He’s everything
There’s joy like a fountain
Cause He’s all I need.


Jesus, Savior,
Sweetest Name I Know
Jesus, Healer,
Lover of my soul.

Jesus, Savior,
Sweetest Name I Know
Jesus, Healer,
Lover of my soul
Yes, He’s the sweetest name I know.


No one could say
There’s no other name
but Jesus,

When I was lost
He made a way
My Jesus (thank you lord),


No one could say
No other name
But Jesus (say the name)

When I was lost
He made a way
My Jesus (yes you did Lord),


Jesus, Savior,
Sweetest Name I Know
Jesus, Healer,
Lover of my soul.

Jesus, Savior,
Sweetest Name I Know
Jesus, Healer,
Lover of my soul
Yes, He’s the sweetest name I know.


I’ve got peace like a river
Peace like a river
Peace like a river in my soul
I’ve got joy like a fountain
Joy like a fountain
Joy like a fountain in my soul.


Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics by Shadrach Kwesi Mensah



Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics VIDEO



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Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics by Shadrach Kwesi Mensah

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Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics


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#Praise The Lord

Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics

UNDIGNIFIED (Excuse Me) Lyrics by Dunsin Oyekan

Sweetest Name I Know Lyrics

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