Sina Kirathi Lyrics Mercy Masika ft Evans Timam


Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today




Sina Kirathi Song Lyrics


[Verse 1]
Mitaani wameweka standards,
ya kuabudu

Lazima uifanye kivyao vako zao
Na dini imeweka Classes,
Ninapoenda kujirusha,
Wanasema cheza chini.


All around they have set
standards of worship
You have to do it there way

Religion too, has set classes
When am about to dance,
they want me to do it their way.


[Verse 2]
Miaka yangu hainikubalii,
kucheża cheza

wanasema hiyo ni utiaji but
(But siangalii miaka
siangalii miaka


Wera yangu hainikubalii
kuruka ruka ati
unajikosea heshimaa
(But, siangalii wera
siangalii wera


They say my age is past
dancing and praising

they say its childish
But I know its not about my age

They say my rank at work
doesn’t allow me

To jump for the Lord
But I know it’s not about my work.


[Pre – Chorus]
Kwako naja nilivyooo,
Sina kirathi, sina kirathi
And I’ll be more Undignified
in your Presence,
I will give it all

To you I come as I am,
I Lay down my rank.


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa

Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa
Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Siangalii wera, siangalii status
Siangalii wera, siangalii status
Siangali miaka, siangalii janta
Siangali miaka, siangalii janta.


[Chorus – Translation]
I put down my rank
to give you Praise

I Lay down all I know
just to worship you

I won’t consider my rank,
or my status

it’s all about you
I won’t consider my age,
or my achievements.


[Verse 3]
Njiona mjanjez
kwa mamnbo kiroho
nikajiona coachezZ,
nikashindwa wanafall short kwani.


Nikasathau ni neema
yako Daddy,
imenihitadhi, umekwama na mim
And I admit that peke yangu sjiezi,
Baba nimevua titles,
its all about You.



I thought I was smart enough
when it comes to spiritual things,
and I wondered
why they were falling short


I forgot it’s your Mercy
that has kept me

I admit that I am nothing
without you.


[Pre – Chorus]
So nakuja nilivyooo,
Sina kirathi, sina kirathi
And I’ll be more Undignified
in your Presence,
I will give it all.


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa

Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa
Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa
Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Siangalii wera , siangalii status
Siangalii wera , siangalii status

(It’s all about you)
Siangalii miaka, siangalii janta
Siangalii miaka, siangalii janta.


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa
Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa
Napunguza ujuaji wangu,


Siangalii wera , siangalii status
Siangalii wera , siangalii status
(Siangalii miaka)
Siangalii miaka, siangalii janta
Siangalii miaka, siangalii janta.


Heshima naiweka kando,
nikupe sifa
Napunguza ujuaji wangu,




Sina Kirathi (Heshima) Lyrics






Sina Kirathi Lyrics





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Lyrics of Sina Kirathi


Mercy Masika Sina Kirathi Lyrics


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Sina Kirathi Lyrics Mercy Masika ft Evans Timam


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