Center Lyrics by Bethel Music ft Abbie Gamboa


Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today



Center Lyrics


[Verse 1]
Maybe we have made this complicated
More than it was ever meant to be
Hasn’t it always been about the same thing
Lord bring us back to simple things.



You, be the center of it all
My heart belongs to You
My Savior all in all
You’re the One I hold on to
For the beauty of Your Name
My soul will live to say
Jesus I love You.



[Verse 2]
Teach us to discern the moment
When to serve and when to sit here
at Your feet
Keep us awake to what’s important
Just like Mary chose the better thing.



For You are the center of it all
My heart belongs to You
My Savior all in all
You’re the One I hold on to
For the beauty of Your Name
My soul will live to say
Jesus I love You
Oh how I love You
Oh how I love You, Jesus I love You.



[Verse 3]
My whole life for Your glory
My whole world for You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
If my days tell a story
Let it be of You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name.



In My whole life for Your glory
My whole world for You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
If my days tell a story
Let it be of You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
Oh how I love You
Oh how I love You, Jesus I love You.



In My whole life for Your glory
My whole world for You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
If my days tell a story
Let it be of You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
Oh how I love You
Oh how I love You, Jesus I love You
My soul will live to say Jesus, I love You.



In My whole life for Your glory
My whole world for You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name
If my days tell a story
Let it be of You only
Everything for the honor of Your Name.



For You are the center of it all
My heart belongs to You
My Savior all in all
You’re the One I hold on to
For the beauty of Your Name
My soul will live to say
Jesus I love You.



Center Lyrics by Bethel Music, Abbie Gamboa



Center Lyrics VIDEO




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Center Lyrics by Bethel Music, Abbie Gamboa


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Center Lyrics



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#Praise The Lord


Center Lyrics by Bethel Music, Abbie Gamboa


UNDIGNIFIED (Excuse Me) Lyrics by Dunsin Oyekan


Center Lyrics

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