Calling My Name I’m a Soldier Lyrics Ebuka Songs


Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today




Calling My Name I’m a Soldier Lyrics


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I am a Soldier
At the Battle Field
Waiting to hear
the Voice of my Commander
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I know I’ve wasted
so much time
I know I’ve wasted so much Season
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I know I’ve wasted
so much time
I know I’ve wasted so much Season
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


I am now Sold Out
Sealed in Christ
Lead by His Governance
From hence forth, no going back
No Holding back again O.


I am now Sold Out
Sealed in Christ
Lead by His Governance
From hence forth, no going back
No Holding back again O.


I am now Sold Out
Sealed in Christ
Lead by His Governance
From hence forth, no going back
No Holding back again O.


I am now Sold Out
Sealed in Christ
Lead by His Governance
From hence forth, no going back
No Holding back again O.


I am now Sold Out
Sealed in Christ
Lead by His Governance
From hence forth, no going back
No Holding back again O.


I am now Sold Out
Sealed in Christ
Lead by His Governance
From hence forth, no going back
No Holding back again O.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


And no matter the Storms I Face
And no matter the Circumstance
I will Stay with You, my Lover O
You are all that I’ve got
And no matter what People Say
And no matter how Hard it seems
I will Yield to Your Command O
Now and forever More.


And no matter the Storms I Face
And no matter the Circumstance
I will Stay with You, my Lover O
Cause You are all that I’ve got
And no matter what People Say
And no matter how Hard it seems
I will Yield to Your Command O
Now and forever More.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time.


Who is Calling my Name O
Jesus is Calling my name O
Jesus if you Call my Name
I will Answer a Billion time



Calling My Name Lyrics Ebuka




Calling My Name I’m a Soldier Lyrics




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Lyrics of Calling My Name I’m a Soldier


Ebuka Songs Calling My Name I’m a Soldier Lyrics

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Calling My Name I’m a Soldier Lyrics



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Calling My Name I’m a Soldier Lyrics


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