Tasha Page-Lockhart


Artist Birtday : 21/03/1983 (Age 42)
Born In : Atlanta, Georgia U.S
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist
Genres : Gospel
Web Site : tashapagelockhart.com

Tasha Page-Lockhart

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Page-Lockhart was born on March 21, 1983, in Detroit, Michigan as Natasha Marie Page.
Her stepfather is Bishop Michael Alan Brooks of Commissioned
and her mother is Pastor Lisa Charise Page Brooks of Witness
and of Restoration Fellowship Church International in Detroit.
She has two sisters who are younger than she.
They are Latia “Tia” Charise Page and Sateara Renee Page, and she also has a brother, Justin.

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