Richie Angel


Artist Birtday : 03/04/1993 (Age 32)
Born In : Nigeria
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist, Author
Genres : Gospel
Web Site :

The Profile, biography of Richard Nkemka, (Richie Ngel)
A Nigerian Gospel Artist, Author and also a song writer.

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Richie Ngel is a Song Writer, Anointed Vocalist with a deep baritone angelic voice.
HE graduated from the Institute of Technology, in the GAMBIA
where he studied Human Resource Management.
He is also an Author of two Christian novels Titled:
Blood of the Prince and Through the Raging Storms.
Both books are widely sold in churches and Christian book shops.
He is a Coach, mentor and the founder of “Truth Youth Mission International” known as (TYM),
an organization founded to preach and motivate children and young people to stand up for the Truth.


Richie Ngel joined the music industry fully in the year 2014,and had being dynamic in what he does,
He has functioned as a Choir Director, leader, and Teacher.
He Released his first ever Green Worship Album in year 2016,
with the title “Xtra in Worship” where he selected creatively various worship songs from other gospel artists
together, this debut made him so unique.
On June 21st, 2019 he Released a new single tiled “IDI-MMA“.


Richie Ngel

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Richie Ngel



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