Rap Santa


Artist Birtday : 31/01/1991 (Age 34)
Born In : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist, Song Writer
Genres : Gospel, Gospel Rap
Agent : God's Property Music
Web Site : muslyrics.com/artist/rap-santa/

The Profile, biography of Mohamed Alusine Jalloh (aka) Rap Santa,
The Sierra Leonean gospel Rapper and song writer.

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Rap Santa is an Award Winning Gospel Rapper and Song Writer.
Born on the 31st of JANUARY, in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
The gospel Rapper also holds a Bachelors Degree in ECONOMICS from Fourah Bay College (USL)

Santa released his first single (which was a birthday song) in Jan 30 2013, to mark his birthday.
This single opened the door to his musical career.
Rap Santa went on to release five (5) singles the same year,
to kick start his music career.

Though he is yet to release a debut album,
Rap Santa has released 15 amazing singles, since his debut in 2013.
With plans to drop his debut album no the horizon,
2019 promises great things for Sierra Leones Best Gospel Rapper
Who signed with the record label GPM (“God’s Property Music”) in 2018.



Nominated for awards many times, he also has prestigious Awards under his belt. The most recent listed below:

  • GAA awards: Best Gospel Rapper 2018

Upcoming album/single
The Gospel artist is set to release a new album in 2020, with new projects like
“Kam Garage” dropping 2019

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Rap Santa



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