People & Songs


Born In : US
Occupation(s) : Gospel Music Community
Genres : Gospel
Web Site :

The Profile, biography of People & Songs,
An American Gospel Music Community, Comprising of Songwriters,
Vocalists and also Instrmentalists.

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

People & Songs are “a community of creatives, each one unique in their own artistry,
together united by the mission to strengthen and release.
the voice of the church”.people & songs uses the extraordinary and powerful tool of music
to serve the church by raising and sending.

The community is made up of local Church songwriters, artists and worship leaders.
According to Eph 5:21 “we submit our individual stylistic bents and denominational preferences
to allow our talent and creativity to become the tools with which we love and unite as one.
Our prayer is that we would use our gifts to applaud and serve others
rather than seeking applause and service from others.
God has put desire for biblical unity in us, and a longing to see the Church become one in faith,
in hope, and in one calling. “

Each member of the Community is:
  • Representative of varying denominations called to walk together
    and demonstrate healthy unity in Christ (1 Cor 12, Eph 3).
  • Differing in stylistic expressions of worship but together seeking to serve the Church
    generationally, denominationally, and culturally. (John 13:34,17)
  • Leaders called to strengthen and train leaders, who in turn,
    use what they’ve gained to strengthen and train other leaders (Mt 28:18-20).
  • In agreement on basic tenets of the faith (see “WE BELIEVE” below).
    We will have differences, but unless those differences give us biblical direction to divide,
    we will walk in unity (Heb 6:1-3).

They are songwriters who love and respect the song of God and the the song of His Bride.
And exist to release song from every believer within our sphere of influence.
They also understand the powerful tool of music and use it as stewards.  And serve God and His Church by:

  • Writing scripture (Heb 4:12, Is 55:11) on the heart of people with the indelible ink of meter, rhyme and melody.

  • Arm the Bride of Christ with Her own voice (2 Chron 20:22, Eph 5:18-20, Ps 149, Ps 45:1)
    and Her own pen via workshops, retreats, conferences and camps.

  • Providing corporate opportunity to unify (Mat 18:20) by lifting One voice,
    as One Church, to One King (John 17:20-24, 2 Chronicles 5:13, 2 Chron 20:22,
    Romans 15:5-7 ) through the songs we write

  • Resourcing the Church with practical tools, product and hands-on help and support (John 6:1-14)

  • Shaping belief with biblical worldview via the songs we write and carry to the Church and world (Mt 5:14)

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