Monique Temitope Lawal


Born In : Nigeria
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist
Genres : Gospel
Agent : Spaghetti records
Web Site :

The profile / biography of Nigerian gospel artist and song writer Temitope Monique Lawal

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Temitope Monique Lawal released her first album entitled, New Story in 2009.
It has just four songs.
She released Atobi Ju (The Almighty) in 2011. She did a re-mix of Oba-Gbogbo Aye (King of the Universe).
Before now, She relied much on songs from other artistes. S
he now compose her lyrics and write songs.
Asked about how she writes her songs: “Songs come to me in very unusual manners and places.
This is why I carry a writing pad about because inspiration could come anywhere.
I have written songs for other musicians also”.

Signed with Spaghetti Records.

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Timeless - by Monique Temitope Lawal


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