Martha Tucker


Artist Birtday : 31/07/0000 (Age 2025)
Born In : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist, Song Writer
Genres : Gospel
Agent : AKF Ministries
Web Site :

Martha Tucker

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Profile and Biography of Martha Deborah Rachel Tucker
Sierra Leonean gospel artist and also  member of AKF Ministries.

Martha Deborah Rachel Tucker is a songwriter, worship minister and also a vocalist at AKF Ministries.
Born on the 31st July in Freetown to Mr & Mrs Emmanuel Tucker at the Wilberforce hospital.
She did her primaries at the Ministry of God Preparatory School
and later went to the Malama Comprehensive Academy.

Martha studied Hardware & Network Engineering at Licssal Business College.

Her love for serving God through music is a big part of her life
and she was once a choir directress at Life Changing Ministries Int’l
under the leadership of Prophet & Mrs Eric John Sandy.

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