Elisha Kay


Artist Birtday : 03/01/1998 (Age 27)
Born In : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist, Photographer
Genres : Gospel
Agent : The Worshippers Tribe
Web Site : muslyrics.com/artist/elisha-kay/

Elisha Kay

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

The Profile, biography of
Elisha Timothy Yokotamson Delight Kassegbama (Etdyk),

The Sierra Leonean gospel artist, and also song writer.


Elisha is a gospel Music Minister and songwriter,
he is a chef, a music director in his Church and also
a member of The Worshippers Tribe Gospel music group.

He attended Licssal Business College and studied “Broadcast Journalism


Elisha released his first singleBAUJE” in march 2019
and then continued to grow his music career since then.
He was voted Best Worship Minister recently.
Elisha’s singing is a mystery and a shock to so many
considering he was initially a dancer.

He looks to draw inspiration from gospel artists like Khadison Duwai and also Judah Zubairu


Just three (3) months after his first single,
Elisha is also set to drop a much anticipated single titled “Yatta Ndema
this song will be premiered on Sunday 16th June 2019,
it will also be available on media platforms including MusLyrics
… Watch Out …

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Elisha Kay



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