Albert Tucker


Artist Birtday : 06/03/0000 (Age 2025)
Born In : Freetown, Sierra Leone
Occupation(s) : Gospel Artist
Genres : Gospe, Worship
Web Site :

The Profile, biography of Albert Tucker,
The Sierra Leonean gospel artist, song writer and also vocal coach.

Jesus Loves You
No Matter Your Sins in the Past
He Gave His Life so You Might Live
Come to Him Today

Albert is an upcoming gospel artist and worship minister
with the passion to make a mark in the Gospel Music Industry.
He aspires to go beyond the borders of his home country Sierra Leone,
spreading the message through his music.
Albert has a penetrating voice, which also makes his music stand out.
He reaches out to bless lives by ushering them into God’s presence with his songs.

He joined  the gospel entertainment industry  in 2011.
Albert is set to release his much anticipated Single Titled:Ar Go Try Me Beston the 1st of JUNE 2019
The song is titled in Krio (Sierra Leonean local language) and also translates to “I Will Try My Best”
Albert is currently studying “Applied Accounting” at the University Of Sierra Leone (IPAM).
He is a very Promising Gospel Artist.
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Albert Tucker



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